Third Grade spent the whole year taking weekly multiplication tests. As they passed their tests they earned a piece of their banana splits. Today they celebrate as they all passed and ate a banana split
The 6th & 7th grade science classes experimenting with "walking on 'water'" a.k.a. "fun with oobleck." #nonnewtonianfluids
Biology exploring natural selection with beans, Anatomy measuring pig intestines, and Physics making batteries using coke and lemons!
Bubble gum day in 1st grade! Only five of us can blow a bubble! (We added one more after the picture.)
State Track & State Golf Pep Rally @ 2:45 Wed. May 16th in the gym! Go Tigers!
Here's the order form for the state golf shirts. Orders need to be in the office by 2 PM on 5/16/18.
8th graders learning about Mayan Math
Sixth grade math class balancing their checkbooks for the end-of-year Budgeting Project.
Please join us for the Paxton Honor Banquet for Gr 6-12 students & sponsors who participated in extra-curricular school activities during '17-'18 @ 6 PM in the gym May 15, 2018. Ole's will cater a two meat buffet which is free for participating students (gr 6-12) & activity sponsors and $10 per person for guests payable to Ole's at the door. See you Tuesday night as we honor our amazing students and coaches!
Congratulations! Paxton Graduating Class of 2018. Go Tigers!
Friday Full Of Student Engagement! Great work students and teachers!
Paxton Elementary students had a great time at the Rec. Center yesterday. Check out more pictures on the Paxton Facebook page.
The elementary track and field day has been postponed to Wednesday, May 16 at 10 AM MT.
Here's the order form for our state track shirts. Orders need to be in by noon on Friday 5/11/18.
Congratulations! Paxton Track Athletes on your State Qualifying performance. Adrian Eakins 1st in the 3200m, Mason Schimonitz 2nd in the High Jump, Roper Chandler 2nd in the Shot Put. Ryan Fox, Mason Schimonitz, Kaden Schow and Bennett Perlinger 1st in the 4x400 and 4x800 Relays. Good luck next week in Omaha. Go Tigers!
More Bubble Extravaganza Fun!.
Bubbles! What a fascinating way to end a year of guidance! Keely Armstrong, Mrs. Meyer's school-to-career student during 7th period all year, created a Bubble Extravaganza for the end of the year elementary guidance class. Each elementary class had the opportunity to go out to the garage to enjoy an hour of pure Bubble Magic! Patience, allowing people enough personal space, problem-solving, creativity, math, science and pure fun were all the objectives for this event. Keely was assisted in the Bubble Festival by Nate Demilt, Tanner Baltzell, Tatum Florom, Caleb Perlinger, Michael McBride, and Mrs. Meyer. Students were individually recognized for exhibiting exemplary leadership, patience, engagement, problem-solving, and great attitude. What a perfect way to end a fascinating year!
Congratulations! Paxton Golf Team places second at the Mullen Invite today. Jeremy McMillan Peters placed 3rd and Jeff Storer placed 4th. Go Tigers!
Follow today's District D8 track results at