English III students wrapped up their novel study of The Great Gatsby with creative projects designed to foster engagement, creativity, research skills, and deeper understanding of literary techniques. Projects included research reports and posters of the 1920s, symbol and theme analysis posters, project map analyses, character portfolios, a timeline of events, and several literary analysis podcast series! 📚
The Tiger Track and Field teams will wrap up their regular season on Friday at the Leyton Invite. Here is the updated schedule of events.
Congratulations to our State Science Olympiad students. Results are as follows:
Division B (Middle School):
James & Brysun - 2nd in Air Trajectory
James, Mason & Jesse - 5th in Code Busters
Andi, Kaydence & Avery - 6th in Experimental Design
Landon C. & Mason - 6th in Flight
Heidi & Chloe - 5th in Roller Coaster
Hogan & Landon C. - 5th in Wheeled Vehicle
Hogan & James - 1st in Wind Power
Jesse & Kaydence - 1st in Optics
Division C (High School):
Thomas & Chase - 2nd in Bridges
Rileigh & Natalie - 4th in Balloon
Thomas & Chase - 5th in Bottle Rocket
Kepler & Angeline - 3rd in Animal Group
Natalie & Jordan - 6th in Periodic Table
John & Landon D. - 1st in Air Trajectory
Sarah & Madi - 5th in Disease Detectives
As the 2nd graders wrapped up their reading unit about pollinators, we had some special guests come to the classroom. Thank you to the Hartman family for taking time to bring in some of their honeybees to show the class. The plexiglass hive allowed students to see all sorts of activity. We spotted the queen laying eggs, a bee hatching, several drone cells, and a queen cell forming.
Here's the link for live results of todays Brady JH Invite
Congrats Jacelyn (3rd place) and Audrey (1st place) in the discus at The Best of the Midwest!
Congrats Audrey 3rd place shot put at Best of the Midwest!
Here's the link to results for todays Best of the Midwest track meet
Good luck to the Paxton Tiger Track and Field athletes who have qualified for the Best of the Midwest Invitational at Sutherland! Go Tigers! 🐯
May's Newsletter is now available https://5il.co/2k5yo.
The week of April 15th, Ainsley McConnell took a count of how many people drove to school using their seatbelts, with Audrey Holm's help. Here are the results: 33 cars were surveyed, the occupants in 22 cars were wearing their seatbelts and the remaining cars were not. For the individuals in the cars a total of 50 people were surveyed with 31 of them wearing their seatbelts. This week during our morning announcements we are learning more about seatbelt safety. Thank you Ainsley for raising our awareness regarding seatbelt use.
Paxton Student Council teamed up with city officials for a vibrant community service project! Council members spent the day reviving the local park and swimming pool with a fresh coat of paint! Paxton is a beloved community, and the student council members were eager to give back! ☺️ #PaxtonProud
The JH Tiger Track and Field team will resume their season on Wednesday at the Brady Invite. This meet will take place in Arnold.
Great effort by all of our Science Olympians this weekend at the State Competition. Due to the weather, awards did not take place in Lincoln. There is an online awards ceremony scheduled for Tuesday evening at 5:00mt. We will be having a team watch party in the commons, family and friends are welcome to attend and celebrate with us.
Check out these awesome things!
Special thanks to:
A select few members of the Tiger Track and Field team will take part at the Best of the Midwest Track Invite in Sutherland on Tuesday. We will know more about who qualified this evening.
The 5th graders had a great field trip to Water Riches Day! We leaned a lot about the geology and water resources in Nebraska.
The High school FACS took us around the world. Students researched a country of their choice and brought some recipes to sample. Natalie and Colin researched Brazil and brought chocolate brigadeiro. Halle and Mackenzie talked about Jamaica and brought red beans and rice along with grape nut ice cream. Thomas and Tyler had a presentation about China and brought Chinese cucumber salad and fortune cookies. Chase and Gauge researched Mexico and made Mexican cookies. Alexis and Haleigh shared France and their own crème brûlée along with a potato dish. Matthew brought ramen for Japan. We also enjoyed nachos and a frozen fruit drink from Costa Rica from Anthony and Quinten and Irish chocolate brownies from Angel and Eden.
The JH FACS class have been busy learning how to sew. They each made a pillow this week. Thank you to Austin for making a new pillow for Baxter!
The Paxton Tiger team competed today at the RPAC Conference golf meet in Cambridge. Congratulations to Ethan for placing 11th! Go Tigers!